2010 GA HWY 133 SOUTH, MOULTRIE, GA 31788 PHONE: (229)-985-2233 or FAX (229) 891-3252
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Service - 10:30am
Wednesday Supper - 5:30
Wednesday Service - 6:30

Joe & Donna Amore Testimony
On Sunday, August 9th, Donna and I were at Lifespring, sitting in our car outside under the oak trees. We were watching and listening to the service on Facebook Live. We must tell you that when the Church went into prayer for healing, we felt the power of the Holy Spirit and there was a strong breeze that picked up as you were praying. There was no breeze earlier. Donna said the pain and burning in her leg was gone. It left completely. We just wanted to share that the power was as strong outside as it was inside and we both felt it. Donna said she feels a lot better and she even yawned as you were praying. (Yawning during prayer is a common sign of being delivered from something) Praise God! Keep us in prayer.
Kimberly Mitchell Testimony
On Sunday, August 9th, when the Church was praying for healing, I prayed in agreement these words: “Lord, that’s for me and my knees!” I had been crying almost everyday with pain and walking like I was walking on stilts. As the prayer was offered, I began to feel a warmth flowing through my knees. I said “Lord, if you keep this up I may be running like Jimmy in a minute!” The flowing warmth was followed by refreshing coolness. The coolness lasted into the afternoon as if I had put a Biofreeze wrap or secured something with menthol on them. I knew the Lord touched me. I believe the healing is a process on this one. The change is dramatic. I know it will be a complete healing and restoration soon. Thanks for praying. Praise the Lord!🙏🎉

LaDonna M Hancock
I have something to say! Yesterday I went to work with my back hurting so bad my spine was hurting and I wondered what I should do, I've been having a lot of pain with my back real bad for the past month, well I took my phone out and found this video, I hooked it to my speaker, cranked it up loud and started working, I sang every song and repeated every word my Pastor said while claiming it all, before long my back was feeling so much better that I finished work and was still able to go out with my family! We have the power through Jesus and if we can't get into our Bibles then he has given us these videos and it's up to us to use them! Thank you to Lifespring C C and Julian Griner for making this wonderful way to bring forth the power of our Lord and Savior in our lives!

Pastor brought me this prayer cloth and praise the Lord stress test showed no blockages and heart is fine. Julian Griner

Adena Robison updated her status.
· February 14, 2017 ·
OK FB so I went to the doctor. They said my upper respiratory was inflamed. No flu, no pnuemonia, no bronchitis, no fever, just dry cough. Put me on steroids, antibiotics, and told me to continue with Musinex. But I have a testimony. After I went to the doctor I went to Lifespring to let the teacher I work with in my internship at the daycare know what the doctor said and I passed my Pastor. He spoke to me and I spoke back. He heard my voice and said are you sick? I said I just left the doctor's office. He immediately got out of his truck to pray for me. I went on into the daycare and wound up staying because I was not coughing. It didn't hit me until I got home that I hadn't even coughed that much since he prayed over me. I had been coughing so much even in the doctor's office that I would almost throw up. I picked the kids up from school and they said you got your voice back. Yes but it still a little rough sounding. I had not taken any meds yet. Thankful for my Jesus and thankful that I have a praying pastor. I am healed! Julian Griner

Bubba N Laura Tucker
· August 14, 2016 ·
God is so good!!!! Pastor gave a word in church that someone with a tooth problem on the left side of their mouth would be healed today and for the first time in over a year I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth at lunch without pain!!! One of my teeth had a hairline crack in it. The dentist tried filling the tooth but it didn't help. Even a root canal did not stop the pain when I would chew on the left side!!! Thank you, Jesus, for your blessings and your attention to even the smallest of our needs!!!❤️ Julian Griner

Nancy Grantham
· March 21, 2015 ·
I'm taking the challenge from pastor Julian Griner to post a miracle on FB. When I was born there was a problem in delivery and the doctor was thinking that both my mother and I might not survive. His words that my mother heard were "Let's try to save the mother". My mother felt a hand holding her hand during this time. God saved both of our lives that day with no lasting complications. Thanking Him for saving both our lives and souls. I've had many miracles in my life but this was the first.

Sheena Gordon Taylor
· March 20, 2015 ·
Testimony #5 for Julian Griner. A few days ago I shared how I got hired to help take care of my land Lord who had another stroke and needs round the clock care but I forgot to mention that I also stuck an anointed prayer cloth from LifespringCommunity Church underneath his pillow with his permission. Well yesterday the doctor informed him and his family that it was not another stroke after all and all he has is a broken collarbone! We all know what a stroke looks like and we all know what miraculous healings look like and I thank God for it!!!!!

LaDonna M Hancock
· March 19, 2015 ·
Good morning everyone! You know it makes my whole day better when I get up talking bout my blessings I may do this every day. Thank you Julian Griner for challenging us to testify on fb this week it's made every day better. Okay a quick one before heading to work.....
A few years ago my neck hurt so bad I could not turn it to the left at all so I went to the doctor, she told me that I had a spur on my neck and there was nothing to do about it I could have surgery but it would most likely come back. I told her I knew who could do something about it so the next church day I went up and ask Connie J Tucker to pray for me we agreed in healing and prayed over the problem, when I got in the truck I turned to say something to Audrey Hart in the back seat and Audrey started yelling moma your neck, pointing at me in surprise. From the alter at LifespringCommunity Church to the truck! Healed!! I have never had another problem with my neck. Thank you Jesus! Hope you all have a very Blessed day

Denise Hicks
Well I heard pastor Julian Griner sent out a challenge so here it is! God brought me out of a depression of crying every day! He brought Sanity to me to let me know it was gone be alright! Something would happen, I could feel myself almost sink back in, & he said oh no! You get up and know that I'm here!! After meeting with pastor Julian, I went through Life Enrichment where I got rid of more junk and filled with the Holy Spirit! Being filled with the Holy Spirit & falling more in love with Jesus every Day has been an awesome journey! Is my life perfect no it's far from it. But I can say I have peace, Gods love his Joy, he gives me strength to know it's gone be okay. And he's always with me cause he loves me and he loves you too😍and when Freedom Fest was here I got Baptized again and Baptized in the Holy Ghost! I'm gone tell ya if you don't know him. You are truly missing what God had meant for us to have in this Life! So give God a chance to do something in your life! He's pretty awesome and he's my best friend. And to be his friend you got to spend time with him in his word to get to know him. That's where he reveals things to you. That's where you learn about the person who died on the cross for your sins! The bible is an instruction book for life! It can't teach you nothin if it's just collecting dust! Love you all be Blessed

Kim Roberts to Julian Griner
· November 1, 2017 · Norman Park ·

Lisa and I were having dinner in St. Augustine, FL when James Sloan walked by our table. He shared the testimony of how God opened the door for him to move from part-time mail carrier in Adel, GA to a full-time position with the US Postal Service in Jacksonville, FL maintaining the fleet of Mail Trucks. He had been reading a book on prayer given to him by Pastor Jim Robison at Lifespring Church. He practiced what he read and God miraculously opened this door. We miss James at Lifespring but are so excited about this new opportunity in his life.

Julian Griner
· July 21, 2014 · South Moultrie ·

Tyler's type of seizures/epilepsy is less than 0.0001%. It is a miracle by itself that it was "caught". We strongly believe there are no mistakes. We don't know why we are going through this, but we don't question. God has plans!! This photo was taken before his 3rd surgery this past Monday DURING a seizure as we were waiting to go down to the operating room

Julian Griner
· December 10, 2015 ·

Dwayne Jonsgaard
I was challenged by Julian Griner at LifeSpring Church to post a miracle that god has done for me. Well about 9 1/2 years ago I was living a life I shouldn't have been barely making money going out every weekend and drinking and other things I shouldn't have been doing wasting what money I did have not being able to even barely eat through the week and just not being the man I should a been. Well after work one day I was told that I would be having a son well from that moment on I knew my life needed to change I started going to church and trying to live better and life did get better I'm far from perfect and still make mistakes n back slide but the miracle that happened in my life was god blessing me with a son BC he has made me a better man and everyday I should give god the glory he deserves. Miracles come in all forms of fashions for diff people just make sure you give god the glory for even the small things. This is a challenge worth doing. I challenge everyone to give god the glory n let people know the miracles he has done for you